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Guppy Grass

Najas guadalupensis

Guppy Grass is an extremely hardy and easy to grow plant.

It does well in almost all light intensities, pH, and hardness. An excellent plant for beginners and for low tech systems. It can be grown floating or rooted but It will grow fast when rooted. It grows very fast and bushy, with small light green leaves and thin frequently forking stems. It can be propagated easily by trimming or breaking off some stems and replanting them (or just allowing them to float).

Guppy Grass is excellent in breeding and shrimp tanks; Its loose volume provides good hiding for fry and babies and the fast growth does well in reducing nitrates.

It is a very fast-growing plant even in moderate to low light; if nutrient levels get too low it may begin to die back. Additional fertilizer may be necessary in low nutrient tanks.

This plant will grow very bushy. It is best used as a background plant in small tanks or in breeding and shrimp tanks.

Sold in clumps large enough to loosely fill an 8oz container.

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