BlueBlade Fish

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BBF Livestock

The links on this page lead to more detailed Information on the fish, live foods, invertebrates, corals, and cultures we breed and propagate. These pages cover details and information for keeping species that we have had good success with and may have available for purchase (see the Buy Here page).

Everything is bred or cultivated in our small home fish room. We do not resell fish bought from wholesalers. With no steady import of outside fish brought into the environment our livestock are maintained disease and parasite free, but supply is also very limited.

Most Livestock can be picked up locally in DFW Texas or found at our booth at a DFWAA Expo (freshwater) or DFWMAS frag swap (marine) several times a year. Additionally, when a line or species is abundant it is listed in our store on GetGills or for auction on AquaBid. With few exceptions most can be shipped anywhere in the continental US if the weather is good, but shipping can be expensive for just a few items. Please feel free to contact us and ask about adding more to your order if there are other things found on this site that you would like, but that may not be listed in the store or for auction currently.

Many aspects of aquatic husbandry are more of an Art than a Science. As a person who often prefers the scientific approach, I am frequently frustrated by the seemingly chaotic nature of the hobby. But that is also the Joy of it. I will try and provide the relevant details on what I have done to keep, breed, or propagate each creature so that you have a good starting point. But there are many ways to succeed. If you have a process that works - fish that are happy and healthy - stick with it.

Freshwater parameters:

All Indoor tanks are maintained at 70-78 deg F. temperatures may swing 4-5 degrees between day and night. Most of the freshwater breeding and rearing tanks have no heaters but do fine at room temperature. A few of the fry tanks and shrimp tanks have heaters set to about 78-80 deg F to either provide more stability or promote faster growth.

For the Killifish, Rainbows, and Shrimp we use RO water re-mineralized with SeaChem Equilibrium (or a custom in house mix that is similar) to a Hardness of 4-6 dH, alkalinity of 3-5 dKh, and a pH of 7.2 to 7.4. The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) count ranges from 150ppm to 250ppm. No salt (NaCl) is used or added to the tanks.

Guppies, Endlers, Plecos, Cichlids, and Axolotls are bred and raised in tap-water treated to maintain a Hardness of 12-20 dH, alkalinity of 8-15 dKh, and a pH of 7.2 to 7.8. The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) count ranges from 600ppm to 950ppm, indicating that salt is naturally present.

Nitrates are maintained at 5-25 ppm and Phosphate levels are kept below 2 ppm with regular water changes and aquatic plants. All tanks are well lit and have live plants. I believe snails (to scavenge uneaten food) and plants (to reduce nitrates) to be an essential part of a healthy aquarium. Frogbit is used to provide shade for fish that may not prefer the bright light.

The Marine aquariums are maintained with the following parameters:

Salinity: 1.025-1.026
pH: 8.2-8.4
dKh: 8-9
Nitrates: 5-10 ppm
Phosphates: less than .05 ppm (I struggle to keep over zero)
Calcium: 420-480ppm

I dose Kalkwasser and Phyto every other day and pods several times a month. Water changes are small and frequent, usually about 10% weekly. Filter sponges, skimmer, and filter socks are cleaned every 3 days, and Cheato and Calupera are grown and pruned from the sump regularly as an additional nutrient export.

To purchace livestock follow the Links under "Buy Here"

Or contact us to see if what you want is available, or for any other info. Please email us at

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