BlueBlade Fish

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Fish Room tours, 3D Printer builds, DIY reef controller builds, and more!

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Frequent short posts from Cheryl on the fishrooms and current Fish events

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This is the official one - be aware of scammers! get updates on current events!

BlueBlade Fish How-To Guides

Live foods are the best thing to feed your fish. Whether it is Copepods and phytoplankton for your reef, or Daphnia, Microworms, etc., for your fish and fry, there are many easy to keep options for the home aquarist.

Here you can find Guides on how we keep our cultures going, large and small. In many cases there is a mountain of info out there - this is what works for us.

In the future there will be more info posted here: Build guides, Breeding guides, etc.

To get your own starter cultures check out the Links under "Buy Here"

Or contact us to see if more is available or for info on any project or culture. Please email us at

  ©2022 BlueBlade Fish     Contact us at