BlueBlade Fish

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Fancy Guppies - Poecilia reticulata

Guppies are a popular aquarium fish for very good reasons. They are small, colorful, active, easy to keep, and breed like rabbits. The long flowing tails on the male guppies make them look like excited puppies as they follow you around the tank hoping to be fed. They grow to around 2 inches long and the females usually grow larger than the males. You can easily keep 4 to 6 in a smaller 3 to 5 gallon tank. Or stock many more in larger tanks. They are great dither fish, helping to diffuse aggression or show other fish that food is near.

Hard alkaline water at about 74-78 deg F is considered perfect for guppies. But they are so hardy that it is hard for me to confirm what the best conditions are. Dechlorinated tap water in the southern half of the US or along the coasts is usually hard and alkaline enough to work great. If your water is soft and/or acidic it is probably a good idea to add some remineralizer. Likewise, they live much better than most tropical fish at high or low temperatures, but if the room gets cold in the winter a heater should be added to the tank.

Breeding guppies is almost too easy. If a mature male and female share a tank for a few hours, they have probably mated - and the female can continue to deliver fry for many months. The fry are born free swimming and ready to eat in births of 15 to 30 every month. However, the parents and other larger guppies will frequently eat the small fry if they can, so you should provide lots of cover such as guppy grass or moss for the new fry to hide in until they get larger.

We currently breed our own line of "Tuxedo Koi" guppies.

This line is selected for males with a red/orange head and tail, and a body being half black and half platinum with a blue iridescence.

"dumbo ear" traits are present (long pectoral fins), along with orange nosed females, but these traits are not yet fully set.

I almost always have some "Tuxedo Koi" guppies avliable - check AquaBid and my GetGills store or contact us at

"Blue Mosaic" Guppies
Mosaic guppies are noted for the tiled black patterning on their tail. Our line is selected for the large flowing fins and the bright blue iridescent color to fill in between the black banding. Currently some red is still present in this breed line, allowing for a few of the fry to be multicolor or violet. Females are larger and silver, with blue-black fins that occasionaly display some patterning.
I almost always have some "Blue Mosaic" Guppies avliable - check AquaBid and my GetGills store or contact us at

We have been culturing the non-blue fish seperataly, and may ocasionaly offer them as "mixed Mosaic" guppies.

"Blue Japanese" Guppies

These Guppies have a solid metalic blue body color with a large flowing dark blue tail. This line has shown to breed true, and most males look alike. Females are larger and silver, with blue-black fins.

This is one of our newer lines of guppies and is doing well. Our tanks are full of fry and juviniles that should be grown out and available this summer.

"Aurora Moscow Delta" Guppies

The male "Aurora" Moscow guppies display a mix of blue, green, and purple irridecent color. They have an elongated dorsal fin and grow to two inches long. Cameras cannot do the flare of color these fish display justice. Females are slightly larger and silver, with black fins.

This is one of our newer lines of guppies and is doing well. Our tanks are full of fry and juviniles that we hope to have available this summer.

"Blue Dragon" Guppies

"Dragon" Guppies display a mosaic of black spots and stripes on their scales that creates the appearance of a dragon-like pattern. This pattern extends from the gills to the tip of their tail. Our line is selected for the blue metalic shimmer, but other colors such as reds, yellow, and greens can be present in the base color. Every male displays a unique pattern. Females are larger and silver, with black fins that occasionaly display some patterning.
This is one of our newer lines of guppies and is doing well. Our tanks are full of fry and juviniles that should be grown out and available this summer.

Coming Soon

"Black Metal Snakeskin" Guppies

The head and fins of these male guppies are a solid velvet black, while the body is marked with platnum and black patterns. emales are larger and silver, with black fins.

This is one of our newest lines, and we plan to have them available this fall.

"Full-Red" Guppies (non-albino)

Full-Red male guppies are a solid velvet red. Unlike the albino full-red guppies, these do not have pink eyes or bodies (females). Females are larger and silver, with read and black patterned fins.

This is one of our newest lines, and we plan to have them available this fall.

To get your own Guppies follow the Links under "Buy Here"

Or contact us to see if any are available at

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