BlueBlade Fish

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Other Livebearers - Non-Guppy

Endler's and Guppies aren't the only livebearers we keep. On occasion one of the many other rare or unique species will catch our eye and take up residence in a breeding tank. If they prove resilient and prolific in our hard and alkaline DFW tap water, they can become part of our regularly available fish. As livebearers these fish are easy to breed, but generally produce fewer fry than guppies. We are currently working with 3 rare species:

Coming Soon

Butterfly Splitfin Goodeid

The Butterfly Splitfin Goodeid (Ameca splendens) Is a livebearer found in about a 10 mile habitat of the Ameca River drainage in Mexico. They are rare in the hobby and endangered in the wild. In the aquarium they take well to almost any prepared food, but also devour hair algae better than any fish we have kept. They are large for a livebearer and may grow to over 3 inches, with males smaller than females. They can be slightly aggressive but do well with dwarf cichlids and other similar sized fish.

Coming Soon

Golden teddie

Golden Teddie’s (Xenophallus umbratilis) are a small livebearer native to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Staying under 1.5 inches they are a peaceful and active addition to a community tank. These small golden fish with banded fins are rarely seen in the hobby but have so far proved to be easy to maintain. In many ways they are similar to endlers livebearer’s, though so far they are much less prolific.

Coming Soon

Neon Green swordtail

The Neon Green swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) is a live-bearer native to Central America. Adults grow to almost 6 inches, so they require a larger tank. Larger adults will eat the small fry, so its important to have plenty of plants for the fry to hide in.

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