BlueBlade Fish

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Bristlenose plecostomus

Bristlenose or Bushynose pleco's (Ancistrus spp.) make for excellent tankmates with the other fish we breed and sell. The males tend to develop many bristle like appendages on the top of their head, which is the attribute that gives them their common name. Compared to the common Pleco (Hypostomus plecostomus) they are more active and tend to stay much smaller - growing to a max size of about 5 inches. They do help clean the tanks, not by eating algae as usually claimed, but by stirring up the detritus so that the filter may capture it.

Coming Soon

We have just begun the adventure of breeding these wonderful fish. They grow slowly, usually needing at least 6 months to identify the sex of the fish. Pairs breed best when at least 1 to 2 years old and approaching their full size. The breed best in "caves" which are a bit longer and wider than the male and have one end open. The female will come in and lay eggs on the side of the cave, and then the Male will occupy the cave and care for the eggs and fry.

Coming Soon

With some luck, we should soon have a variety of Bristlenose pleco varieties available. We currently have breeding colonies of Common, Super Red, Calico, Longfin Calico, Albino Green Dragon, and Snow White Bristlenose Plecos.

Coming Soon

check back soon for more info and better photos as the plecos become avliable.

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